Building Māori kai and soil resilient communities through knowledge
He Whenua Rongo is a 7 month kaupapa Māori research project that has been conducted by Papawhakaritorito Charitable Trust led by Dr. Jessica Hutchings in partnership wih Te Waka Kai Ora (National Māori Organics Authority) with support from Aatea Solutions, a kaupapa Māori research, facilitation and translation consultancy. The project has been resourced by the Ministry for the Environment and the Todd Foundation.
The purpose of the He Whenua Rongo project was to provide Māori and Kāwanatanga (primarily the Ministry for the Environment) with insights into te ao Māori views on Māori food systems, including aspects of resilience, sustainability, and kaupapa Māori approaches to soil and kai stewardship.
The rangahau involved:
- A workshop for kāwanatanga agencies to better understand and support Māori kai and soil resilience aspirations and to support better cohesion between their agencies.
- 20 key informant interviews with mātanga Māori regarding Māori kai and soil stewardship and resilience; The Key informant interviews have provided insights into approaches to Māori food resilience and sustainability, and identified barriers, enablers and potential pathways to activate Māori food resilience and sustainability, including potential actions by a range of food system participants (e.g. iwi, rangatahi, Māori agribusiness, and central and local government).
- A national online wānanga was held on the 11 and 12 May, 2022 that has provided opportunities for diverse Māori food system actors to participate in discussions about sustainable and resilient Māori food systems and strengthen connectedness across the Māori food system﹘including building Māori communities of interest about sustainable and resilient food systems.
From the project we have produced a kaupapa Māori research report, He Whenua Rongo, that will be freely available on-line in July 2022.
Videos of the speakers at He Whenua Rongo Wānanga are available to watch here.