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Kia ora,
I am a multi-disciplinary researcher trained in the fields of environmental studies, Māori studies and kaupapa Māori, as well as an organic farmer and a devotee of Astanga Yoga. I have a deep investment and passion to undertake research and practices that support the broad area of Māori development, hauora, wellbeing and tino rangatiratanga. Welcome to this site which draws together my interests in Hua Parakore (Māori organics), kaupapa Māori research and yoga. Check back here for posts on current issues impacting on Māori food sovereignty matters.
On September 12 2015, He Mana Toitū: Pūtaiao and Rongoā Symposium 2015 was held at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. Speakers included: Moana Jackson, Ani Mikaere, Ocean Mercier, Rob McGowan, Percy Tipene and Whatarangi Winiata. Te mahi māra hua parakore: A Māori food sovereignty handbook was launched. The book asserts our rights as whānau and mana whenua to food secure and sovereign futures that are independent of trade agreements, colonial governments and multinational forces. The book makes explicit the connections between the global and the local, between the political and the personal by drawing on the mātauranga (Māori knowledges) of Te Waka Kai Ora (National Māori Organics Authority) whānau.
Ngā mihi
Jessica Maia